Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What You Can Do Featured on +SocialGood Site: Support Ocean Health in One Minute

This summer we have been focusing on Ocean Health and how we can make a difference in our Oceans over the long term. 

We are excited that two of our summer videos about helping Sea Turtles and Protecting Ocean Health are being featured on the website +Social Good.  A website that was inspired by the Social Good Summit.  It is a place that "Unites a global community of innovators around a shared vision:  The power of technology and new media to make the world a better place."

You can check out our feature here:


If you want to learn more about how you can help protect our Oceans for generations to come please check out our youtube site for more great videos about how you can be the change you want to see in the world.


Thank you +SocialGood for helping us spread the word about how you can make a difference even one minute at a time. A huge thanks to our friends at the Monterey Bay Aquarium for letting us visit their amazing facilities and learn about our oceans. And finally a big thank you to our friends at www.iamthedarkranger.com for helping us with our video about Protecting the Night for Sea Turtles.


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